Scope The aim of the conference is to communicate and discuss recent progress in crystal growth, characterization and control of material properties as well as other basic research issues concerning silicon carbide (SiC) and related materials, including graphene and wide bandgap semiconductors like III-nitrides, diamond and zinc oxide. New results relevant to wafer production processes, device fabrication technologies and device applications are also central to the conference. The objective is to promote the development and commercialization of advanced devices, sensors, and systems used for energy saving, high voltage switching, high temperature operation, high frequency and high power amplification, photovoltaics and radiation hard operation. The conference aims to act as an international forum for the exchange of ideas and opinions on recent scientific and technical issues among researchers and engineers in academic, industrial and public sectors.
Topics •Fundamentals (theory and experiment) •Bulk and epitaxial growth •New materials grown on SiC •Materials characterization •Surfaces and interfaces •Processing and device fabrication •Devices (power switching, RF power, energy harvesting, high-temperature, radiation-hard, sensors/detectors, MEMS) •Device physics (measurement, modeling, simulation, testing and reliability) •Packing and modular technology •Circuits and system applications